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Gloria Verde Resort 5*

The current bleep or pager process used within the NHS has been in use for decades. Pagers or bleep systems were first implemented in a New York hospital back in nearly 50 years ago and have stood the test of time. But the question is, now in the 21 st Century where cars can self-drive, and drones deliver our shopping, why have we not progressed the technology and process for our hospitals? Can a better system be implemented to remove the current boundaries around using pagers?

Is It Okay to Run Your Furnace Fan Continuously?
Bonjour tout le monde !
Names Magazine Issue 2

Some people think that a furnace fan running all day is a telltale sign of a faulty unit. In this day and age, most central heating systems are forced air systems, and therefore require the presence of air in order to move in a certain direction. A furnace fan is one of the simplest methods to accomplish this. The appropriate dimensions of the corresponding motor depend on the size of the furnace.

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Why does the current bleep process need to be replaced?
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The Importance of Vitamin D
Kinesis – Replacing archaic Pager systems
Striking the Right Balance: Sun Protection and Vitamin D Synthesis

What an interesting month October has been! Some of us had the pleasure of meeting a remarkable couple Li an Phoa and Maarten van der Schaaf. They were walking the length of the Thames from source to mouth for Drinkable Rivers. This charity set up by the young Dutch couple highlights the fact that rivers all over the world are becoming polluted by human activity. As she walks along rivers Li an meets with people involved in the life of the river, anglers, water treatment executives, environmentalists and connects the various people and organisations to get them to work with each other in improving the quality of the rivers.

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